Does the Vuvuzela alone bring the World Cup 2010 Gees

Bring the Gees add the rich sounds of the African Nations, the singing , the chanting , the djembe , your sound. NumAfrica Support our African teams with the N/um of an entire continent. Feel It! It is Here!

What is num (n/um correct spelling with the click)

The healing force N/um (N/um tchai: the ceremonial dance of the !kung bushmen) is generally activated by the community and healer  by performing a trance dance around a fire. A fire is lit, some parts of the eland are cooked, and the eland medicine dance is danced, "in praise of the fat". The community starts and Medicine men go into trance and use the n/um they raise through dancing to heal. When trance is achieved the n/um becomes available as a powerful healing source to serve the entire community.

PhoenixCOZA’s Posts Posted via email from PhoenixCOZA’s Posts Bring the Gees add the rich sounds of the African Nations, the singing , the chanting , the djembe , your sound. NumAfrica Support our African teams with the N/um of an entire continent. Feel It! It is Here! What is num (n/um correct spelling with the click) The healing force N/um (N/um tchai: the c …

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